nichol place assisted living

organically responding to the protected environmental area surrounding it

assisted living facility for adults with mental health challenges

Nichol Place provides 48 new apartment style suites to accommodate adults living with mental health challenges. The building includes a commercial kitchen, amenity lounges and administration spaces to accommodate the tenants. The project included on-going negotiations with the City of Surrey for rezoning, OCP amendment, RAR and geotechnical setbacks and required set-back and parking variances. Station One and the owner team worked as a team to address the multiple site constraints and proposed a working solution to meet City requirements while ensuring a high quality livable project for the tenants.


Fraser Health Authority


Surrey, BC


48 units


$9.3 million


Complete 2020

Justin Dyck

Project Architect

Leon Schroeder

Senior Associate

Phil Craven

Resource Architect

Farrell Brett

Contract Administration

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